


Today, I was on my way home from work. On the freeway, listening to music loudly and thankful that yet another workweek is (kind of) over. I was beginning to let my mind wander to what I would be doing this evening, what I might have for dinner and other such things when all the sudden I see someone next to me, driving at the same speed, with her windows down. It took a moment to register that this was a little strange, but then I realized that she was also waving and smiling with me. It was my friend Laura. What are the odds? I rolled down my window and we screamed at each other going 60 miles per hour on I-90. I’m sure that any onlookers would have wondered what was going on. She said she would call me later and we rolled up our windows, leaving me with a smile on my face. Sometimes, connection comes to you, even when you’re not looking for it.

Additional note: I just spoke with Laura and she said that she was a lane away from next to me, noticed a girl in a car singing, realized it was me and began attempting to contact me. She changed lanes, honked her horn and finally rolled down her window and drove while continuously waving before she finally got my attention. I love my friends.