Like a Mighty Wind: Getting to Know the Holy Spirit
It was Pentecost this past weekend, as many of you know, and when I sawThe God I Never Knew by Robert Morris, a book about the Holy Spirit, in my options for review, I thought it was fitting.
I’ve been thinking about the Holy Spirit for a long time, in many contexts. I grew up in a church where we invited the Holy Spirit to come and move, was part of a group dedicated to getting to know the Spirit in college and have experienced many times of sleep and awakening to the power of this Third Person of the Trinity. Needless to say, I was interested in what Robert Morris would say.
I cried within the first 10 pages.
This is not a normal thing for me.
I found that the book was written humbly, with much grace, and apparently, with much prayer. It’s obviously a sticky topic for many people, and Robert acknowledges that, and quotes numerous Scriptures to back up his prose. I have rarely seen a book written about such controversial topics delivered in such a clear-headed, loving way.
I think that this would be a wonderful introduction to the person of the Holy Spirit and His role in our lives, but I also found something to encourage and challenge me a little further down that road.
I didn’t agree with everything in this book. I doubt that there is a book (especially a work of theology) with which I completely agree, however, I found merit here and would recommend it, regardless of your previous involvement with the Holy Spirit.
In this season of Ordinary Time, we focus on the early church as seen through the lens of Acts. We walk with them as they find their feet in a new world with new rules and new Help. What a wonderful thing to be reminded that we still have the ability to walk in those steps, should we allow God to work in us, today.
This book will be published on August 16, 2011. I look forward to sharing thoughts on it with you.
If you can't wait until then, here is an excerpt to whet your imagination.
If you appreciated my review and should like to rate it, you may do so using this link.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.