Dispatches From Summer Camp

Dispatches From Summer Camp


How To Pack For Church Camp Earlier this year, I sat across the brunch table with my wonderful friend Nicole Sheets (she wrote a de(tale) about summer camp and online dating recently). We talked about writing and projects we were working on and she mentioned that she was hoping to launch an online anthology of creative nonfiction about church camp. Immediately, I was excited. I have strong feelings about camp, and I have spent a lot of time thinking and writing about it. I was eager to sit around the campfire and swap stories.

How to Pack For Church Camp is now a real, live website, and I can't wait to share it with you.

I know that many of you have snuggled down under sleeping bags, played hot lava monster, and had a camp crush (or two). I encourage you to follow this wonderful anthology as it unfolds, and if you have a story of your own, consider submitting.

You can also follow the conversation on Twitter.


My essay is now ready for you to read on the anthology site and I hope you'll check it out. It's called "Hydration." It's about one of my most embarrassing moments, ever.

Here's how it starts:

It was my first time sleeping away from home. I was nervous, but excited. I had heard stories about camp and expected it to be a wonderful bonding experience.

I knew one other girl and I put her down as my cabin-mate preference. That’s how I ended up in a cabin with a bunch of girls who went to school together during the year.

I’ve tried to remember where it was that I picked up a mask and started fitting in. I have all sorts of theories, but this summer camp between my 5th and 6th grade years is high on my list.

{read the rest here...}

(the awesome graphic above is courtesy of How To Pack For Church Camp)