Good Girls Don't Get Depressed {at Thorns and Gold}

Good Girls Don't Get Depressed {at Thorns and Gold}


Good Girls Don't Get Depressed My friend Tanya Marlow has a wonderful series called "God and Suffering." I've long admired it from afar, but this month, she paid me the great honor of asking me to contribute to it.

Many of you have been with me as I have become more honest about my depression. This piece is about depression, but it's also about what comes after and along with mental illness (and long-term suffering of any kind). I'd be honored to have you join me and read it at Tanya's lovely blog.

It's called "Good Girls Don't Get Depressed."

While I usually don't post on the weekends, I'm making an exception for my What I'm Into post for January. This month has been a doozy in a lot of ways. Stay tuned.