Important Notice

Hello dear readers, The last couple of days have been tough ones for this dear little site. As a result, my web designer and I have decided to change the way we do things in this corner of the internet. The address will stay the same, and if you come to this blog through social media, a bookmark, a reader or a Mailchimp email, everything will remain the same.

If you are a Wordpress user and you currently subscribing using Wordpress, your subscription will likely not transfer. 

I would hate to lose you. If you want to continue receiving notifications of posts, please sign up for emails here, or use a reader like feedly or Bloglovin'.

We'll be working on this over the next few days and hope to have a new post for you up on Monday. Thanks so much for your patience.

If you appreciate my words, I'd be honored if you shared, tweeted, recommended, and/or sent up smoke signals. You're all so much of why I do what I do.