Letters to Weary Single People

Letters to Weary Single People

At the beginning of October, my friend Ashley Hales contacted me to ask if I'd be willing to write 3 letters as part of her Letters to Weary Women series (which runs throughout the month of October). 

It's been a while since I've written consistently about singleness. This has been a year of online dating, coming together, and breaking up. I haven't had as much time to write about singleness, and when I have, I've felt a little shattered, a little vulnerable. 

This invitation reminded me of how much I enjoy writing about being single, not so much to share my experience (although that's nice), but to connect with other single people and to be reminded that there are others in my position, who feel the things I feel (as well as people who feel differently). 

Ashley's letters are to single women, but I wrote mine hoping that they would be equally applicable to single men. 

I wrote one to weary single people, one about breakups, and one about sex (the first time I've written publicly about this topic). 

They were a joy to write and a good reminder that this is a subject and a group of people that have my heart, and likely always will, regardless of my relationship status.