A Little More Advent

A Little More Advent

Last night I was at a little holiday gathering mostly composed of single women. One of them had seen my piece Single All the Way, my first for Off the Page (which is a ministry of Our Daily Bread geared toward millennials). Before I knew it, I was reading the piece aloud to a completely hushed room. It's so infrequent that I get to see the responses of my readers, but last night I did. It was clear that some of them especially needed this piece. I thought some of you might, too. 

You can read it here. (And as always, I think you'll find something to connect with, single or not). 

As promised, here is my other Advent reflection video from last year. This one is called Advent(ure). Enjoy, friends. 

If you're still looking for a little Advent reading, maybe for a few stolen moments in the weekend. Here are a few of my favorite pieces I've written for this time of year. 

The Lonely Season 

I wrote this piece for Christie Purifoy's lovely Advent series last year. Here's a taste:

"like most people who make up the Advent narrative, I am hoping for what I can’t see. I am feeling around in the darkness, unsure of whether I will truly see light (not even sure I know what light looks like)."

Good Things 

"There are many kinds of hunger. I know what it is to be starving (though not for food). I have found myself desperate for a few empty calories of love, acceptance, and belonging. I have crammed the french fries of the pity party, the gin and tonic by myself, the furtive text, deep into my mouth, barely pausing to chew."


"Sometimes I forget that Jesus came as a child. He was not born talking and challenging the status quo. He was born in blood and with tears to a very young woman in a place where animals lived."

I hope the rest of your Advent brings you closer to hope. We're almost there, friends.