Birthday Cake: Abroad {at You Are Here}

Birthday Cake: Abroad {at You Are Here}

You may have noticed that I'm slowly coming back to this space, but that even so, it's quieter than it used to be. That is intentional. This season is not about embracing quantity, but rather about taking care with everything I do. This season is also about living wholly into passions, which is why I am choosing to write one post a week about food and faith and life, on Fridays. I may pop in on other days and other topics from time to time, and I'll be sharing writing that I'm doing elsewhere, as I am today. But I am taking the self-imposed burdens from my shoulders. 

For those of you who are curious, there are a few more de(tales) in the queue. I have loved that series, and have plans to do well by it until the very end. Stay tuned. 

Many of you know that I contribute monthly to You Are Here, an online collection of true stories about roots, identity, and place. This month's theme is Travel and Place, and I've written about a challenging trip to Europe, and baking my own birthday cake. I hope you'll join me at You Are Here (and read the rest of the stories from Travel and Place as well).