The Price of Avocados {at You Are Here}

The Price of Avocados {at You Are Here}


The Price of Avocados {at You Are Here} I am thrilled to be the first ever guest writer on You Are Here (a new collaborative blog of essays exploring the idea of place).

The first theme, which continues all throughout November, is Food and Place (you can imagine why I was so eager to submit).

I wrote about a food from my youth which has followed me all through my life. One of the commenters spoke about how her husband is "from" the foods of the place he grew up, and I realized, as I wrote this love song for avocados, that is true for me as well.

I'd be honored to have you come and read it over there, but fair warning, it will make you hungry.

While you're there, you'll want to check out the other wonderful writers and pieces on the site. It's one of my new favorites.

{photo credit}