Where's Cara? (Volume Two)

Where's Cara? (Volume Two)

Welcome to week two of Where's Cara? your one stop source for all of the places I and my writing can be found on the Internet!

You can find a more complete list of my work on my Published Work page.

Let me know what you think of specific pieces, or of Where's Cara? in general, in the comments.

Getting Used to Good News

"Last year, I studied the resurrection and the Easter season (a fifty day period leading up to Pentecost) more carefully, for a project I was working on. As I did so, I realized that I wasn’t alone in my inability to switch quickly from despair to joy."

Your Guide to Finding, Caring For, and Using Vintage Bar and Glassware

This piece was written for Tales of the Cocktail, a site and organization geared toward professional bartenders and bar owners. Still, I think that many of you will enjoy reading it anyway. I had the delight of interviewing some exceptionally cool people, and it made me want to dust off my thrifting hat and find a cool coupe or two.

Choosing and Being Chosen: The Bachelor, God, and Me

Someone local was the last woman standing on The Bachelor on this past season. This was enough to get me thinking about what it means to be chosen, and how wanting to be chosen romantically relates to wanting to be singled out by God.

How To Eat a Burrito the Size of Your Head

The theme is Mess and Place over at You Are Here Stories this month. I wrote about ways that I'm learning to let people into my life.

"I know that for any kind of relationship to work, I need to be able to eat in front of the other person. I cannot hide away behind plates of pasta molded into small, bite sized shapes. Eventually, I will make my homemade red sauce in the blender, adding browned meat, and zucchini cooked soft. I will ladle it onto heaping bowls of angel hair and I will need to keep my cloth napkin close at hand."


I hope you've enjoyed this edition of Where's Cara? let me know your thoughts in the comments!